E. Abakumov
“Characterisation of humic acids, isolated from selected subantarctic soils by 13C-NMR spectroscopy”
Czech Polar Reports, 2017, 7(1), 1-10
DOI: 10.5817/CPR2017-1-1
Soils of Antarctic considered as underestimated in terms of soils organic matter polls, organic remnants humification/mineralization rates and biogenic-abiogenic interactions. Humic acids of selected Sub Antarctic soils were investigated in terms of elemental and structural composition with special reference to evaluation of organic matter stabilisation degree and assessment of carbon species distributions in the molecules with use of solid state 13C-NMR spectroscopy. It was shown, that the prevailing of aliphatic compounds on the aromatic one is more pronounced in Antarctic soils than in Arctic ones. Average portion of the aromatic compounds is about 20% in humic acids, extracted from soils with evident ornitogenic effect from Fildes Peninsula (Norh-West Antarctic peninsula). This indicates that the role of humification precursors composition is the leading in the humification process. The stabilisation rate of the Antarctic HAs can be assessed as low and the potential risk of biodegradation of their molecules are high.