
Archive for November 30, 2013

Spinus 2013

Our contribution to the 10th Anniversary of the Winter School conference Spinus 2013:

  1. П.М. Толстой, С.А. Пылаева, Е.Ю. Тупикина, Г.С. Денисов, Д. Себастиани, К. Аллолио, Б. Кёппе, Х.-Х. Лимбах, «Динамика сольватной оболочки и протонный таутомеризм в комплексах с сильной водородной связью»
  2. P.M. Tolstoy, S.A. Pylaeva, E.Yu. Tupikina, G.S. Denisov, D. Sebastiani, C. Allolio, B. Koeppe , H.-H. Limbach “Dynamics of solvation shell and proton tautomerism in complexes with strong hydrogen bond”;

  3. С.М. Сухаржевский, «Принципы ЭПР-спектроскопии»
  4. S.M. Sukharzhevskii “Principles of EPR spectroscopy”;

  5. А.А. Шмырева, «Ядерный магнитный резонанс в магнитоупорядоченных материалах»
  6. A.A. Shmyreva “NMR in magnetically ordered materials”;

  7. А.В. Выводцева, И. Рыков, В.И. Чижик, М.Г. Шеляпина, «Подвижность водорода в многокомпонентных сплавах переходных металлов»
  8. A.V. Vyvodtceva, I. Rykov, V.I. Chizhik, M.G. Shelyapina “Mobility of hydrogen in multicomponent alloys of transition metals”;

  9. А.Ю. Култаева, С.М. Сухаржевский, «Исследование палеонтологических биообъектов методом ЭПР»
  10. A.Yu. Kultaeva, S.M. Sukharzhevskii “Paleontological study of biological objects by EPR”;

  11. С.А. Пылаева, Р.Е. Асфин, А.А. Гуринов, П.М. Толстой, Г.С. Денисов, «Исследование структуры смеси ацетона с трифторуксусной кислотой при различных концентрациях компонентов методами спектроскопии комбинационного рассеяния и ЯМР»
  12. S.A. Pylaeva, R.E. Asfin, A.A. Gurinov, P.M. Tolstoy, G.S. Denisov “Investigation of the structure of acetone mixture with trifluoroacetic acid at different concentrations of components by Raman spectroscopy and NMR”;

  13. С.О. Рабдано, А.В. Донец, «Микроструктура и подвижность в водных растворах аминокислот по данным ЯМР и квантовой химии»
  14. S.O. Rabdano, A.V. Donets “Microstructure and mobility of aminoacids in aqueous solutions by NMR and quantum chemistry”;

  15. Е.Ю. Тупикина, П.М. Толстой, Г.С. Денисов, «CH-группа как донор протона: структура и свойства комплексов с водородной связью»
  16. E.Yu. Tupikina, P.M. Tolstoy, G.S. Denisov «CH-group as a proton donor: structure and properties of complexes with hydrogen bonding”.
    Best poster award.

Anastasia Kultaeva and Stanislav Sukharzhevskii have got Bruker certificates

Anastasia Kultaeva and Stanislav Sukharzhevskii have successfully completed training course devoted to impulse methods in EPR and have received certificates.

Documentary guests

A documentary film director Igor Abramovich Shadkhan, who is filming a movie dedicated to the 290th anniversary of the St. Petersburg State University, has visited our Center. He interviewed the director of the Center, while his crew shoot the work around.

Internal seminar 21.11.2013

Andrey Gurinov presented a talk about low-temperature NMR in liquids and solids.


Alexander Ivanov held the first of three training sessions dedicated to the processing of NMR spectra for postgraduate students from a chemistry department.

Internal seminar 14.11.2013

Sergey Smirnov presented a talk about cryoprobes and their advantages and disadvantages.

Svetlana Pylaeva has got a Bruker certificate

Svetlana Pylaeva has completed the course “MRI Advanced Imaging” in Bruker Biospin and got the certificate.


Бизоньи зубы
A geoarchaeological expedition conducting research of Ortles Kherson settlements in the North-West of the Crimea of ancient times (5 – 3 cc. BC) have transferred some paleontological specimens of the teeth of animals to our Center. The samples will be dated and investigated by EPR.

Prof. Dr. David E. Lewis

Prof. Dr. David E. Lewis




Prof. Dr. David E. Lewis from the Univerity of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, the member of the American Chemical Society and the Royal Society of Chemistry has visited our Center. A day before he presented a “Citation for Chemical Breakthrough Award” of the American Chemical Society to the St. Petersburg State University for the opening of periodic table by D.I. Mendelejeff.


Prof. Lewis got acquainted with the Center’s opportunities in the field of NMR spectroscopy. In particular, he noted that the budget of the Univerity of Wisconsin-Eau Claire doesn’t allow it to employ a qualified NMR specialist, and their self-service system limits possibilities of the laboratory only to the most standard measurements. In this sense our Center is almost unique on the range of provided techniques.

October 2013

Total in October 1066 service applications were carried out.

All together measured:

  • 1022 1H spectra
  • 154 13C spectra
  • 93 DEPT spectra
  • 27 COSY spectra
  • 44 31P spectra
  • 33 19F spectra

92 applications were carried out which jointly took 940 hours of measurements.