
Reac. Kinet. Mech. Cat. 2015, 116, 43-50

S. Lednev, A. Sirick, E. Pliss, A. Rusakov, N. Shvyrkova, A. Ivanov.

“Influence of solvation on the kinetics of methyl methacrylate oxidation inhibited by aromatic amines”

Reac. Kinet. Mech. Cat., 2015, 116,43-50


The kinetics of methyl methacrylate oxidation inhibited by aromatic amines in media of different polarities was studied. The complexing parameters in systems “oxidation substrate—aromatic amine—solvent” using IR and NMR spectroscopy were found. The correlations between inhibited oxidation rate constant and the polarity of the medium were obtained using Kirkwood–Onsager equation.

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