
Archive for November 29, 2012


During the final stage of energizing, the last 0,5 А

Cooling 400’s down with liquid Helium

Setting up the Elexsys E580

Getting the first magnet out of the box

Best presentation at the «Science and Progress 2012»

Symposium «Science and Progress 2012», St.Petersburg, Russia, 12-16.11.2012

Svetlana Pylaeva, Peter Tolstoy, Benjamin Koeppe, Christoph Allolio, Daniel Sebastiani, Gleb Denisov

«Influence of the solvent-solute interactions on geometry and spectroscopic parameters of hydrogen bond studied by means of computer simulations»

“Innovation in Science and Education”

Peter Tolstoy and Alexander Ivanov have received the number of certificates after attending the courses "Innovation in Science and Education", that took place 11-18th of November in Israel.

Ivanov Certificate TechnionIvanov Certificate Ariel