В прошлом мы делились с вами новостью о программе, проигрывающей спады ЯМР спектров на динамике компьютера (см. заметку «Можно ли услышать ЯМР?» от 29.04.2015). Мы рады поделиться с вами продолжением данной темы о звуковом и музыкальном ЯМР в Новогоднем варианте – рождественская песенка на спектрах ЯМР молекул (см. оригинальную заметку в блоге Эндрю Холла из университета Бата).
Tag Archive for Гуринов
Новогодний ЯМР
Журнал прикладной химии 2016, 89(4), 476-483
Дж.Н. Коншина, А.В. Данилова, З.А. Темердашев, С.Н. Болотин, А.А. Гуринов, В.В. Коншин
“Получение и некоторые свойства силикагеля с иммобилизованной формазановой группой”
Журнал прикладной химии, 2016, 89(4), 476-483
Предложен и охарактеризован новый сорбционный материал — силикагель с ковалентно иммобилизованной формазановой группой, получаемый сочетанием иммобилизованной соли арилдиазония с фенилгидразоном бензальдегида. Определены некоторые равновесные и кинетические характеристики сорбции Cu(II), Co(II), Ni(II) и Cd(II) из растворов полученным модифицированным силикагелем, показана его эффективность для концентрирования Cu(II) из растворов сложного состава. По данным ЭПР определено координационное окружение Cu(II) в комплексе на поверхности сорбента.
Separation Sci. Tech., 2016, 51(7), 1103-1111
D.N. Konshina, V.V. Open’ko, Z.A. Temerdashev, A.A. Gurinov, V.V. Konshin
“Synthesis of novel silica-gel-supported thiosemicarbazide and its properties for solid phase extraction of mercury”
Separation Sci. Tech., 2016, 51(7), 1103-1111
A new thiosemicarbazidе-modified silica gel (SG-THSC) sorbent was prepared. The sorbent was quantified by adsorption of mercury ions on silica gel, desorption and then spectrophotometry detection of mercury ions. The retention parameters (sample flow rate, eluent type, sample volume, presence of foreign ions, shaking time, sample flow rate and volume, eluent condition, interfering substances) were investigated. The quantitative recovery (>95%) of Hg(II) ions could be obtained by use of 5 mL of 6 mol L−1 HCl. The adsorption capacity of SG-THSC was found to be 98.3 mg g–1 at optimum pH. The maximum preconcentration factor was 400. The technique detection limit was 70 ng L–1, and the relative standard deviation was lower than 4.0% (n = 6). The studied sorbent was applied to preconcentrate the trace Hg(II) from the mineralised residues of fish and seawater samples.
J. Wood Chem. Technol. 2016, 36, 259-269
E.I. Evstigneyev, O.S. Yuzikhin, A.A. Gurinov, A.Yu. Ivanov, T.O. Artamonova, M.A. Khodorkovskiy, E.A. Bessonova, A.V. Vasilyev
“Study of Structure of Industrial Acid Hydrolysis Lignin, Oxidized in the H2O2-H2SO4 System”
J. Wood Chem. Technol., 2016, 36, 259-269
Products of oxidation of industrial acid hydrolysis lignin in the H2O2-H2SO4 system were studied using 13C NMR (in solution and solid state), MALDI-MS, and MS(ESI) techniques. Oxidation of hydrolysis lignin leads to the opening of aromatic rings of lignin, yielding carboxylic groups. Alkyl aryl ether linkages (β-O-4-bonds) between lignin phenyl propane units are not significantly affected by the oxidation. The structure of oxidized hydrolysis lignin is proposed. The basic structural unit of oxidized hydrolysis lignin is a muconic acid derivative.
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2015, 1-6
S.N. Britvin, S.A. Kashtanov, M.G. Krzhizhanovskaya, A.A. Gurinov, O.V. Glumov, S. Strekopytov, Yu.L. Kretser, A.N. Zaitsev, N.V. Chukanov, S.V. Krivovichev
“Perovskites with the Framework-Forming Xenon”
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2015, 54, 1-6
The Group 18 elements (noble gases) were the last ones in the periodic system to have not been encountered in perovskite structures. We herein report the synthesis of a new group of double perovskites KM(XeNaO6) (M=Ca, Sr, Ba) containing framework-forming xenon. The structures of the new compounds, like other double perovskites, are built up of the alternating sequence of corner-sharing (XeO6) and (NaO6) octahedra arranged in a three-dimensional rocksalt order. The fact that xenon can be incorporated into the perovskite structure provides new insights into the problem of Xe depletion in the atmosphere. Since octahedrally coordinated XeVIII and SiIV exhibit close values of ionic radii (0.48 and 0.40 Å, respectively), one could assume that XeVIII can be incorporated into hyperbaric frameworks such as MgSiO3 perovskite. The ability of Xe to form stable inorganic frameworks can further extend the rich and still enigmatic chemistry of this noble gas.
Журнал прикладной химии 2015, 88(8), 1175-1183
Э.И. Евстигнеев, О.С. Юзихин, А.А. Гуринов, А.Ю. Иванов, Т.О. Артамонова, М.А. Ходорковский, Е.А. Бессонова, А.В. Васильев
“Химическое строение и физико-химические свойства окисленного гидролизного лигнина”
Журнал прикладной химии, 2015, 88(8), 1175-1183
Методами спектроскопии ЯМР, масс-спектрометрии с матричной лазерной десорбционной ионизацией и масс-спектрометрии с электроспрей-ионизацией исследовано строение гидролизного лигнина, окисленного пероксидом водорода в кислой среде. Определены сорбционные, ионообменные и поверхностно-активные свойства и предложены возможные направления использования окисленного гидролизного лигнина.
Materials Science and Engineering C, 2015
A.K. Sánchez Lafarga, F.P. Pacheco Moisés, A. Gurinov, G.G. Ortiz, G.G. Carbajal Arízaga
“Dual responsive dysprosium-doped hydroxyapatite particles and toxicity reduction after functionalization with folic and glucuronic acids”
Mat. Sci. Eng. C, 2015, 48, 541-547
DOI: 10.1016/j.msec.2014.12.033
The development of probes for biomedical applications demands materials with low toxicity levels besides fluo-rescence or magnetic properties to be detected by confocal microscopes or MRI resonators. Several drug delivery systems or other biomedical
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Из РЦ МРМИ уволился Андрей Гуринов. Мы желаем Андрею всего самого наилучшего на новом месте работы!
Analytical Lett. 2014
Dz.N. Konshina, A.V. Furina, Z.A. Temerdashev, A.A. Gurinov, V.V. Konshin
«Immobilization of Guanazyl Functional Groups on Silica for Solid-Phase Extraction of Metal Ions»
Analytical Lett. 2014, accepted
DOI: 10.1080/00032719.2014.917421
Guanazyl groups were grafted on silica gel by 4-nitrobenzoyl chloride acylation, sodium dithionite reduction, diazotation, and reaction with 2-benzylidenehydrazinecarboximidamide. The modified silica gel was used for separation and preconcentration of Cu(II), Ni(II), Cd(II), and Co(II). Quantitative extraction of the ions was achieved after 30 min and at the optimal pH of 7.5-8 at an initial concentration of 2 mg L−1. Analysis of metal sorption isotherms allowed estimation of the sorbent’s interaction efficacy under static conditions at optimal pH. Distribution coefficients were determined to be 3 ± 0.3 L g−1 for Ni(II), 3 ± 0.3 L g−1 for Co(II), 1.6 ± 0.2 L g−1 for Cd(II), and 4.6 ± 0.4 L g−1 for Cu(II) at 20-60 µg analyte. The applicability of pseudo-second order kinetic equations for metal sorption kinetics description was investigated. Chemically modified silica was used for solid-phase extraction of the metal ions to improve the detection limit using X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. The method was employed for the determination of Cu(II) in water with a low limit of detection, high accuracy, and good precision.