
Tag Archive for Gurinov

Future students

Within the Open Day on the Faculty of Chemistry our Center was visited by a group of schoolchildren with their teachers.

Gurinov Andrey has received a certificate

Andrey Gurinov has completed the training in the University of Guadalajara, Mexico, and received a certificate.

Transatlantic seminar 04.12.2013

At the University of Guadalajara, Mexico, Andrey Gurinov has told about the Center, its equipment, the ongoing researches and opportunities for collaboration, and then presented a talk about the NMR studies ​​of aluminated mesoporous silicas.

Spinus 2013

Our contribution to the 10th Anniversary of the Winter School conference Spinus 2013:

  1. П.М. Толстой, С.А. Пылаева, Е.Ю. Тупикина, Г.С. Денисов, Д. Себастиани, К. Аллолио, Б. Кёппе, Х.-Х. Лимбах, «Динамика сольватной оболочки и протонный таутомеризм в комплексах с сильной водородной связью»
  2. P.M. Tolstoy, S.A. Pylaeva, E.Yu. Tupikina, G.S. Denisov, D. Sebastiani, C. Allolio, B. Koeppe , H.-H. Limbach “Dynamics of solvation shell and proton tautomerism in complexes with strong hydrogen bond”;

  3. С.М. Сухаржевский, «Принципы ЭПР-спектроскопии»
  4. S.M. Sukharzhevskii “Principles of EPR spectroscopy”;

  5. А.А. Шмырева, «Ядерный магнитный резонанс в магнитоупорядоченных материалах»
  6. A.A. Shmyreva “NMR in magnetically ordered materials”;

  7. А.В. Выводцева, И. Рыков, В.И. Чижик, М.Г. Шеляпина, «Подвижность водорода в многокомпонентных сплавах переходных металлов»
  8. A.V. Vyvodtceva, I. Rykov, V.I. Chizhik, M.G. Shelyapina “Mobility of hydrogen in multicomponent alloys of transition metals”;

  9. А.Ю. Култаева, С.М. Сухаржевский, «Исследование палеонтологических биообъектов методом ЭПР»
  10. A.Yu. Kultaeva, S.M. Sukharzhevskii “Paleontological study of biological objects by EPR”;

  11. С.А. Пылаева, Р.Е. Асфин, А.А. Гуринов, П.М. Толстой, Г.С. Денисов, «Исследование структуры смеси ацетона с трифторуксусной кислотой при различных концентрациях компонентов методами спектроскопии комбинационного рассеяния и ЯМР»
  12. S.A. Pylaeva, R.E. Asfin, A.A. Gurinov, P.M. Tolstoy, G.S. Denisov “Investigation of the structure of acetone mixture with trifluoroacetic acid at different concentrations of components by Raman spectroscopy and NMR”;

  13. С.О. Рабдано, А.В. Донец, «Микроструктура и подвижность в водных растворах аминокислот по данным ЯМР и квантовой химии»
  14. S.O. Rabdano, A.V. Donets “Microstructure and mobility of aminoacids in aqueous solutions by NMR and quantum chemistry”;

  15. Е.Ю. Тупикина, П.М. Толстой, Г.С. Денисов, «CH-группа как донор протона: структура и свойства комплексов с водородной связью»
  16. E.Yu. Tupikina, P.M. Tolstoy, G.S. Denisov «CH-group as a proton donor: structure and properties of complexes with hydrogen bonding”.
    Best poster award.

Internal seminar 21.11.2013

Andrey Gurinov presented a talk about low-temperature NMR in liquids and solids.

Sergey Smirnov and Andrey Gurinov got certificates

Employees of the Center for Magnetic Resonance Sergey Smirnov and Andrey Gurinov have completed the training courses in the University of Regensburg in Germany and got certificates.


At the 3rd Russian-Mexican Workshop on Nanoparticles, Nanomaterials and Nanoprocessing our Ceter employees have presented the following oral presentations::

  • P. Tolstoy “Introduction to center for magnetic resonance at St Petersburg State University”;
  • A. Gurinov “NMR study of Lewis and Brønsted acidic centers of aluminated SBA-15 Silicas”;
  • E. Kurenkova “NQR/NMR studies in zero-field at Center for Magnetic Resonance”;
  • A. Shmyreva “Investigation of metal nanoparticles by the example of Co-59 NMR technic”;

and posters:

  • A. Kultaeva, S. Sukharzhevskii, A. Antipov “Study of hydroxyapatites structure by electron paramagnetic resonance”;
  • A. Vyvodtceva, M. Shelyapina, A. Privalov, F. Fujara, D. Fruchart “1H NMR study of hydrogen diffusion in the transition metal alloys lattice”.

Photos are in our gallery.

Later on collegues from Mexico have visited our Center.

RuMex-2013 excursion

Open Doors Day NMRCM-2013

During the 10th International Symposium NMRCM-2013 we successfully held an Open Doors Day.


Andrey Gurinov has received a certificate

Andrey Gurinov has completed the training in the Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany, and received a certificate.



Our contribution to the cluster of conferences «Orgchem-2013» (Repino, 17-21.06.2013)

  • Е.Ю. Тупикина, П.М. Толстой, Г.С. Денисов, «Изменение геометири 1,1-динитроэтана при переходе CH-протона к различным основаниям в комплексах с водородной связью C-H…B»
  • А.А. Гуринов, И.Г. Шендерович, A. Zukal, J. Cejka, «Исследование кислотных центров на поверхности мезопористых кремнеземов методом ЯМР спектроскопии»
  • М.А. Вовк, М.С. Павлова, В.И. Чижик, «Расчет констант квадрупольной связи для кластеров CH3COO * N H2O (N > 24) методом квантовой химии»
  • С.О. Рабдано, А.В. Донец, «Свойства гидратации отдельных функциональных групп органических молекул»

