
Archive for Conferences


The Center’s employees took part in the «Euromar-2013»:

  • P. Tolstoy, B. Koeppe, S. Pylaeva, E. Tupikina, G. Denisov, H.-H. Limbach, «Combined Measurements of UV and NMR Spectra: Solvent and H/D Isotope Effects on the Proton Transfer Pathways in Hydrogen-Bonded Phenol-Carboxylic Acid Anions».
  • B. Koeppe, E.T.J. Nibbering, P. Tolstoy, G. Denisov, H.-H. Limbach, «Combiner NMR-UV-vis and NMR-FTIR Studies of Hydrogen Bonded Complexes in Aprotic Solvents: Hydrogen Bond Correlations and Proton Transfer Pathways».
  • S.O. Rabdano, A.V. Donets, V.I. Chizhik, «Hydration Properties of Functional Groups of Organic Molecules in Aqueous Solution».


Juan Miguel Lopez del Amo presented a poster on the study of the properties of lithium complexes (potential joint project between CIC Energuiune and our Center).



Our contribution to the cluster of conferences «Orgchem-2013» (Repino, 17-21.06.2013)

  • Е.Ю. Тупикина, П.М. Толстой, Г.С. Денисов, «Изменение геометири 1,1-динитроэтана при переходе CH-протона к различным основаниям в комплексах с водородной связью C-H…B»
  • А.А. Гуринов, И.Г. Шендерович, A. Zukal, J. Cejka, «Исследование кислотных центров на поверхности мезопористых кремнеземов методом ЯМР спектроскопии»
  • М.А. Вовк, М.С. Павлова, В.И. Чижик, «Расчет констант квадрупольной связи для кластеров CH3COO * N H2O (N > 24) методом квантовой химии»
  • С.О. Рабдано, А.В. Донец, «Свойства гидратации отдельных функциональных групп органических молекул»



Open Doors Day OrgChem-2013

Within the cluster of conferences «OrgChem-2013» we held the Open Doors Day. Six tour groups of 10-15 people each has visited our Center. Excursionists looked at the new equipment, got acquainted with principles of the work of the Center and received promotional materials.

A commendation

The Center on behalf of its director received a commendation for his help in organizing and holding the conference “Mendeleev-2013.”

«Magnetic resonance as a tool for interdisciplinary research»

P.M. Tolstoy took part in a Regional Interdisciplinary Conference – Humboldt Kolleg «Magnetic resonance as a tool for interdisciplinary research», held 3-6. June 2013 in Novosibirsk, Russia. The result of the trip was the decision to expand the cooperation between the Center and an International Tomography Center.
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Central European School on Physical Organic Chemistry 2013

Our contribution to the Central European School on Physical Organic Chemistry, 27-31 of May 2013, Poland

  • Lecture by P.M. Tolstoy «NMR Study of Hydrogen Bond Cooperativity in Model Systems and in Vitamin B6-dependent Enzymes».
  • Oral and poster presentation by S.A. Pylaeva «Molecular dynamics study of OHO– and OHN hydrogen bond geometry distribution due to polar solvent fluctuations».
  • Oral and poster presentation by RC user E.Yu. Tupikina «CH-acids as proton donors for hydrogen bonds: structure and properties of 1,1-dinitroethane».

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The Best Start

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Svetlana Pylaeva was awarded “The Best Start” prize at the VII National conference on chemistry and nanomaterials of young scientists, PhD and students with the international participation «Mendeleev-2013», held at the St. Petersburg State University on April 2-5, 2013.

Our contribution to the 9th Winter Youth School Conference Spinus 2012

9th Winter Youth School Conference Spinus 2012, St. Petersburg, Russia, 3-8.12.2012.

a) Lecture
P.M. Tolstoy, H.-H. Limbach, N.S. Golubev, G.S. Denisov, I.G. Shenderovich, S.N. Smirnov, B. Koeppe, J. Guo, S.A. Pylaeva, E.Yu. Tupikina
“Correlations between NMR parameters and hydrogen bond geometry”;

b) Oral presentation
S.A. Pylaeva, B. Koeppe, P.M. Tolstoy, G.S. Denisov
“Solvent effects on the geometry of the OHN hydrogen bond in the 2-methylpyridine – chloroacetic acid complex”

c) Poster
E.Yu. Tupikina, P.M. Tolstoy, S.A. Pylaeva, S.N. Smirnov, G.S. Denisov
“CH acid 1,1-dinitroethan as a hydrogen bond proton donor”

Best presentation at the «Science and Progress 2012»

Symposium «Science and Progress 2012», St.Petersburg, Russia, 12-16.11.2012

Svetlana Pylaeva, Peter Tolstoy, Benjamin Koeppe, Christoph Allolio, Daniel Sebastiani, Gleb Denisov

«Influence of the solvent-solute interactions on geometry and spectroscopic parameters of hydrogen bond studied by means of computer simulations»

VII Symposium NMR in Chemistry, Physics and Biological Sciences

In the VII Symposium «Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, Physics and Biological Sciences» that took place on 25-28 of September 2012 in Warsaw, Poland, we presented a talk:

Peter Tolstoy, Benjamin Koeppe, Jing Guo, Svetlana Pylaeva, Elena Tupikina, Gleb Denisov, Hans-Heinrich Limbach

«Effects of Solvation Shell Structure and Dynamics on Geometry and NMR/UV-vis Spectra of H-bonded Complexes»

and two posters:

1) Elena Tupikina, Peter Tolstoy, Sergey Smirnov, Nikolai Golubev, Gleb Denisov «Hydroxyphenyl Benzimidazole as Catalyst for Hydrolysis Reaction: Serine Protease Active Site Model»

2) Svetlana Pylaeva, Peter Tolstoy, Benjamin Koeppe, Christoph Allolio, Daniel Sebastiani, Gleb Denisov «Distribution of Hydrogen Bond Geometries and Spectroscopic Parameters Due to the Solvent-Solute Interactions Studied by Means of Computer Simulations».

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