
Archive for S. Pylaeva

Let there be a lecture!

Canceled earlier lecture of S.M. Suharzhevskii will take place on Thursday, 04.24.2014 at 12:00 in room 1093 at the Chemistry Faculty. The title of the presentation is “Applications of EPR spectroscopy for CMR users’ projects in 2013”. Everyone is invited to the talk and coffeebreak with cookies afterwards.

10 000 service applications


Today, after almost exactly a year since the official launch of the Center ten thousandth anniversary service application was filed for proton spectrum by user with code XYZ. Congratulations to us and our Users! We hope that the spectrum was up to expectations.

Visit of Deputy Minister of Education and Science

Today Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian federation L.M. Ogorodova, director of the deparment for attestation of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of the Russian Federation Ministry of Education and Science I.A. Shishkanova, Rector of the St. Petersburg State University N.M. Kropachev with vice-rectors I.A. Dementiev and S.P. Tunic visited our Center as part of their visit to the St. Petersburg State University.
For more details visit web-page of the St. Petersburg State University.

March 2014

Total in March 1213 service applications were carried out.

All together measured:

  • 1179 1H spectra
  • 208 13C spectra
  • 107 DEPT spectra
  • 16 COSY spectra
  • 12 NOESY spectra
  • 67 31P spectra
  • 70 19F spectra

110 applications were carried out which jointly took 1674 hours of measurements.

One more less

Anna Vyvodceva has quit our Center. We wish her all the best at her new job!

The unique technique

Dear Users,

In the Center we have developed a unique technique for measuring NMR spectra of carbon 12C. In connection with this since tomorrow measurements application of 13C will not be accepted. Note that samples for 12C spectra measurement must be prepared in special U-shaped square tubes. Applications for the new method of measurement shall be approved by all members of the Center.
You can download the application form here.

Educational tasks

CMR specialist Alexander Ivanov held four sessions with bachelor students of chemical faculty dedicated to NMR spectroscopy technique, sample preparation and analysis of the spectra.

Pupils visit

On 27th of March at 15:30 in the CMR will be given a short tour for 200 students of the Lyceum of Novosibirsk.
On 27th of March at 15:30 in the CMR will be given a short tour for participants of XXXVIII Russian Chemistry Conference for pupils.

Interesting for 21st of March

At 15:30 in the auditorium 2076 of Chemistry Faculty will be a lecture by Professor Miklos Gratzl “Optochemical and electrochemical methods for biomedical measurements” (in addition to previously announced talk of Prof. Gratzl on 20 of March at CMR).

At 17:00 in the auditorium 404 of Institute of Physics (building M) will be a seminar on physical models of birds navigation magnetoreception. Program:

  • Lecture “Introduction to MRI” by K.V. Tyutyukin. In this talk basics of the method and its in vivo applications will be given.
  • A. V. Komolkin will review some publications on MRI in birds investigation.


CMR specialist Svetlana Pylaeva, 2nd year Master student, took this semester third place in the ranking of all students of physical faculty.